easter was really nice this year. we went to a huge egg hunt. 30,000 eggs to be exact!! they had
jupiter jumps for the kids and free
hot dogs with chips and a drink. it was loads of fun. as you can see below, my kids were successful at gathering
alot of eggs.
saturday afternoon we got together with the family at
lauren and
larry's house and decorated egg shaped cakes and of course, dyed eggs. then on
sunday, we had a great
easter dinner. we were happy to have a great friends,
melani, brad and their cute daughter
ari join us in our festivities. hope your
easter was as fun as ours....
aprilblake and ari at the egg hunt.

enough eggs you think???

my mom and the cake eggs she decorated.

my sister
carly with her egg that looks like
mr. potato. my dad and
blythe are in the background.

what's inside these eggs??
tye dye eggs!!

my brother
trent and his cake egg...very proud.
carly and her boyfriend
evan and their cakes....
these are my eggs. the one has a B on it for my
niece blythe and then the other is a J for
jared...both of their first

far left is my aunt
saisunee then my mom and
lauren and then
blythe and